Bawba (referred to as “Bawba”) reserves the right to change or modify this Agreement, and any policy or guideline incorporated by reference at any time at its sole discretion.

You (referred to as “Customer”) accept our Terms of Service, detailed herein, upon clicking the checkbox in our checkout process (which is required to complete the form). You agree that you’ve reviewed and understand the content within our knowledge base outlining details on how our service works and our scope

Any changes or modification will be posted by Bawba to and become effective upon posting of the revisions on this document.

You are responsible for regularly reviewing the Site to obtain timely notice of such changes or modifications. Your continued use of the Services following Bawba posting of any changes or modifications will constitute your acceptance of such changes or modifications. IF YOU DO NOT AGREE TO THE TERMS OF ANY MODIFICATION, DO NOT CONTINUE TO USE THE SERVICES AND IMMEDIATELY PROVIDE NOTICE OF CANCELLATION OF THIS AGREEMENT.

Use – Your subscription and any add-ons will automatically renew at the end of the applicable subscription period. Bawba works on one project at a time.  Turnaround times are not guaranteed, but a majority of our customers get a first draft within 1-2 business days.

Cancellation – You may cancel your subscription with Bawba at any time before the end of the then-current subscription period.  To cancel your subscription please do so by sending an email to [email protected]

Upon cancellation, you will continue to have access to the Bawba services and your files until the end of your paid billing term. Access to your account files requires an active subscription. Cancelled accounts will not have access to their files once their billing term has ended.

Money Back Guarantee – If the customer is using Bawba for the first time they are entitled to a 14 day risk free period to evaluate the quality of the service.  Provided they’ve notified us by email during the first 14 days of service. They can additionally request a refund by emailing [email protected]. If a customer approves a design during the first 14 days of their subscription, or begins a monthly plan after a weeks trial, they are not entitled to a refund.

Payment and Refunds – Payments are non-refundable and we do not provide refunds or credits for any partial subscription periods except as provided for in the Money Back Guarantee.  You further agree that, upon registering for the services through the Site, you authorise Bawba to charge your method of payment (e.g. credit card) for the fee on each anniversary of your registration date, based upon your billing frequency (e.g. monthly, quarterly, annually). Your account and access to the services provided via the site may be suspended in the event of non-payment of applicable fees. You represent and warrant to Bawba that such payment information is accurate and that you are authorised to use the payment instrument. You will promptly update your account information with any changes (for example, a change in your billing address or credit card expiration date) that may occur.  Bawba may change its fees from time to time by posting the changes on the Site with 5 days prior notice, but with no advance notice required for temporary promotions or reductions in fees.   You, the client are responsible to use Bawba after payment.

Limitations and Abuse of Service – Bawba is designed for the reasonable use of a single individual. We are not meant to replace a full-time graphics designer so use your common sense!  If we find that you are not in alignment with our model, sharing accounts/logins, violate our core values, or are abusing our services or team in any way, including using our services for illegal or adult/pornographic materials, we reserve the right to cancel your account.

Output files – While we do our best to minimise any mistakes, due to the nature of creative design we can not guarantee all files delivered will be 100% error free. Upon file delivery you agree to review and proof all files for any errors or omissions and notify our team if any changes/corrections are needed. We will do our best to rush any edits to correct the mistakes. Bawba is not responsible or liable for any losses or expenses incurred from errors or omissions.

Ownership of Content. Customer maintains the ownership rights in any User Content that such Customer submits to the site and the finished product Bawba produces.

Grant of Limited Rights to Bawba. By submitting a Task to Bawba, the Customer gives us the rights to User Content to the extent necessary to complete the Task. Each Customer authorises us to retain archival copies of all User Content that such Customer has submitted.

By default, you agree to provide Bawba with a non-exclusive right and license to publish your work in our portfolio, website logo block, social media, email, or other communication efforts. If you would like to revoke this right, please notify our team in writing to [email protected].

Work and delivery output – While we can accept unlimited requests and revisions, our output volume depends on many factors, namely depending on the total request volume and complexity. We will do our best to work with you to accommodate any priority items and your timelines but our suggestion is to not use our service for time sensitive requests.  Your right to use the Bawba services shall terminate upon your breach of any term of this Agreement.

Limitation of liability – We will not be liable to you or any third party in any event for any loss (financially or otherwise) or any damages arising from or relating to this Agreement. You acknowledge and agree that your use of this site is at your own discretion and risk. BECAUSE SOME JURISDICTIONS DO NOT ALLOW LIMITATIONS ON IMPLIED WARRANTIES, OR LIMITATIONS OF LIABILITY FOR CONSEQUENTIAL OR INCIDENTAL DAMAGES, THESE LIMITATIONS MAY NOT APPLY TO YOU. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE TOTAL LIABILITY OF BAWBA UNDER THIS AGREEMENT EXCEED FIFTY POUNDS STIRLING (£50), REGARDLESS OF THE CAUSE OF ACTION, IN TORT, CONTRACT, OR OTHERWISE.


Business day – Bawba operates in the UK time zone. Monday – Friday from 9am – 5pm..

Digital Millennium Copyright Act (DMCA). In the event materials are made available to this Site by third parties not within our control (ie: stock footage, creative commons license), we are under no obligation to, and do not, scan such content for the inclusion of illegal or impermissible content. However, we respect the copyright interests of others. It is our policy not to permit materials known by us to infringe another party’s copyright to remain on the Site. If you believe any materials on the Site infringe a copyright, you should provide us with written notice that at a minimum contains: